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Advance care planning (ACP) is for everyone, regardless of age or state of health. It is a series of voluntary discussions that help you better understand your state of health. Your preferences will be recorded and used to guide the healthcare team and your loved ones to make healthcare decisions on your behalf, in your best interests, if you are unable to do so yourself.

The participants in ACP discussions are a trained ACP facilitator, your loved ones, your healthcare providers and you. These discussions will be guided by your values and beliefs.

With Advance Care Planning, you can share your thoughts and preferences about healthcare options with your loved ones. This gives them assurance and peace of mind that they are fulfilling your wishes.

These are the range of questions that will be discussed during advance care planning:

Click here to find out more about Advance Care Planning.

Use the Advance Care Planning Workbook to guide you in your ACP discussions with your loved ones.